A few months ago I was fortunate enough to borrow a few Fujifilm X mount lens to experiment and play around with (thanks Camera Electronics) as I was interested in getting a wide angle lens to complement my current kit of Fujifilm camera lenses. There were a few reasons for expanding my kit to include a wide angle. I was interested in a wide angle for night sky photography, landscapes and cityscapes. Secondly I was also looking for a wide angle for doing some interior and architectural photography.
The options that I was interested to try were: Fujifilm 14mm f2.8, Fujifilm 16mm f2.8, Fujifilm 16mm f1.4 and Laowa 9mm f2.8. I’ve now gone through the hundreds of photos I have taken when I had these lenses on loan. I thought it would be a bit of fun for me to do a quick write up on my experience and thoughts using each of the lenses. Spoiler alert, I bought the Fujifilm 14mm f2.8 lens.
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