A few months ago, I became acquainted with fellow small business owner Jovin Lim whose runs a modelmaking workshop in Perth. Through my time spent chatting and photographing Jovin and his team, I learned a bit more about model making for architects, builders and anyone who wants models designed and built from scratch. I also gained some valuable insights into the architecture and building industry which I really appreciated.
I spent my morning at Jovin’s workshop photographing his team and the various activities in the workshop. I really enjoyed the “day in the life” documentary style of using images to tell the story of a local business. All the photos were taken with the Fujifilm X-T10 and a mix of lenses. The 14mm f2.8, 23mm f2 and the 35mm f1.4 lenses. It was certainly challenging having to constantly change lenses, but I felt it really made me visualise and focus in on the shots I was planning to take. They were also the focal lengths that I found really allowed me tell the story.

The focus on this photography session was telling the story of this small business operation and give people a behind-the-scenes look into the business. This was a fun and insightful experience in testing the waters for doing future small business photography sessions. Thanks for stopping by today.
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