As we had a few days off for Chinese New Year, we decided to take the opportunity to take our parents out for lunch and dessert mid-week. We drove up north to Scarborough to Island Market for lunch. It was such a beautiful day out. We were sitting by the window and could see the blue ocean and white sandy beach. It was calming to be enjoying a lovely middle eastern inspired meal with the family. I definitely recommend Island Market to those who haven’t been before.

Following lunch we dropped by a local bakery for some baked goods and coffee (I wasn’t quick enough to photograph the goods before it was all gobbled up!). After satisfying our pastry craving, we drove up to Hillary’s Boat Harbour. As it was a weekday, it was very quiet with few shops open. We were vying for some ice cream since it was a pretty hot summer’s day. The ice cream from Milk Barrel was pretty good, ice cream is always refreshing!

Again, I decided to keep things simple and shoot just JPEG. the film simulation is inspired by Ritchie’s Kodachrome 64 film simulation with some of my own adjustments. Still on the same settings as the previous blog post. I took the photos with my Fujifilm X-T4 camera with the XF 35mm f1.4 lens.
Thanks for stopping by today and happy shooting.
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