There is certainly no right or wrong as far as how much photography gear is too much. What is right for one person can be wrong for another. I have never been one to experience a lot of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) when it comes to photography. When I changed over to the Fujifilm camera system several years ago, I had kept all my Canon DSLR gear “just in case” or as a backup system. After all these years of not using the DSLR and being well and truly embedded in the Fujifilm system, I decided it’s finally time to let it go to a good home. I have never sold camera gear before so I spent a bit of time researching the market, resale price etc.
I have always been very intentional about the camera gear I bring into my life. During it’s life, I’ve also kept my gear in good working condition. It was an interesting experience that I thought I would share.

- I was surprised I found someone who wanted to build my Canon 60D DSLR that is at least 6 years old. The person I sold it to was a hobbyist photographer building it as a second shooter camera for a running club. The buyer brought along his laptop which had a shutter count app to check the shutter counter on the camera before decided it was low enough to buy. I didn’t know you could do that so it was something I learned from that experience. I had a nice old chat to him as well about sports photography.
- Facebook marketplace has made it very easy to buy and sell gear. Another bonus I found with using Facebook marketplace to sell gear is that you can have a sneak peak at the person’s profile. It gives you an idea of what they look like prior to meeting them.
- I learned that you can find out how genuine the buyer is from the first few sentences. Most genuine buys won’t lowball you if they are actually interested in your gear. Genuine buyers will offer you a fair price and be willing to negotiate.
- I’ve enjoying meeting other photographers during the selling process. It was great to have some good conversation about our gear and share our passion for photography.
- Once I sold my first lens, I felt more comfortable and confident with the negotiation process for the subsequent items I sold.
- The extra funds I made from selling off unused gear has made me feel less guilty buying additional camera gear! That’s how I ended up with getting the Fujinon 23mm f2.
- Knowing that my unused gear is no longer collecting dust and has gone to another home where someone else will find value in using it gives me a pretty good feeling.

I have one more DSLR lens to sell and then I’m officially DSLR gear free. My gear drawer is now more organised and pleasing to look at. Thanks for stopping by today.
Beautiful photos! I just got an X-T20 after about 16 years of using Nikon DSLRs and reading about Fujifilm. I’m loving it so far. It’s definitely liberating to have a light kit for everyday and travel plus it’s way more fun also! I’m still keeping my D750 for pro and serious work, but this is definitely not my last Fujifim camera. Picked up the 18-55 and the 35mm f2. What are your favorite lenses?
Hi Wayne! thanks for stopping by! Favourite fujifilm lens! that’s a tough choice. I would have to say each lens has its own purpose depending on the setting and what I’m shooting. I have to say the 23mm f2 is my new favourite walk around lens (previously the 27mm pancake). However I love the 35mm f1.4 bokeh, it was my first lens in the Fujifilm X system! Great instagram feed you got there, i like the Japan photos!