On a Saturday a few weeks ago, I head into the city an hour earlier than I needed to explore while most of the city was still asleep. I was keen to use my newly purchased Fujinon 14mm f2.8 lens for some architecture and street shooting. I meandered my way around Westralia Square, Wolf Lane, King Street and Railway Lane. My comfort zone is shooting around the 23mm or 25mm focal lengths (on a crop sensor). Shooting so wide was definitely out of my comfort zone, but such a fun photographic challenge. I absolutely loved the lens. As I mentioned in my previous blog post, the distortion is minimal when I took the time to line things up nicely.
The cover shot of this blog post is one of my all time favourite shots (off it goes into my portfolio). I stumbled upon this building accidentally as I thought it would be a short cut to King Street. I was pleasantly surprised to stumble into what felt like an indoor garden oasis. I loved greenery contrasted against the concrete and brick. I thought the pseudo indoor waterfall was a cleaver addition to the space. The glass ceiling allowed plenty of natural light to fall into the space as well.

Being such a wide angle, you could easily include too much in the frame of the shot. I felt I had to be care with my edges and how I composed the images so that I didn’t loose the focal point of the image. On the flip side, being such a wide angle, I felt like I could get some unique (to me at least) shots that were dynamic.

I’m certainly very pleased with the addition of the 14mm f2.8 to my kit. I’m looking forward to using it at Open House Perth this year.
Thanks for stopping by today.
I love this set of images, especially that first one In the cover images. It seems the Fujinon XF14mmF2.8 is very sharp edge to edge all through the frame.
Thanks Khurt! The len absolutely has pretty good edge to edge sharpness, I think i’m most impressed by the lack of distortion